Course Dates - 27th & 28th May 2025. Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Contractors, Self-employed, Employees who need a basic awareness of Health & Safety Practices and those who work on client company sites from the power generation and process sector such as Wind farms, chemical processing, power stations and Steel mills.
CCNSG Safety Passport: 27th & 28th May 2025
Safe Behaviour at Work
- Accident causation. Influences to human behaviour. Risk assessment. Permits to work. Health and safety legislation
- Confined Space Entry
- Excavations
- Permit to Work Systems
- Safe Use of Access Equipment and Working at Heights
- Site Transport
- Protecting the Environment
- Safe Lifting and Manual Handling
- Safe Systems of Work
- Asbestos
- Hazardous Substances
- Lifting operations and lifting equipment (LOLER)
- Work equipment usage (PUWER)
- Electricity
- Isolation (Lock out tag out)
- Hand-Arm Vibration
- Noise
Who Should Attend?
Contractors, Self-employed, Employees who need a basic awareness of Health & Safety Practices and those who work on client company sites from the power generation and process sector such as Wind farms, chemical processing, power stations and Steel mills.
Additional Information:
Assessment is made by four separate multi choice tests, throughout the course
Note – one day renewal course also available, renewable every three years
Duration :
Full passport 2 days
Renewal passport 1 day