"The best regional (H&S) seminar". Timeline

2015. Venue: Dunston Innovation Centre in Chesterfield. A half day update on the health and safety landscape which had, at that point, had been changing quite rapidly thanks to the Lofstedt report 2013 and the Young Review 2014. Presented by Dave Fagg and despite being only half a day, the trend was set for the provision of a high class lunch and the chance to chat with like-minded spirits, before we all went on our separate ways. Note, more details can be found here.
2016 saw the return to Dunston Innovation Centre to the large conference room for a further H&S update, identifying the changes which would more than likely be happening over the next 12 months, together with any trends which had been developing in UK PLC.
2017. Expansion once again led us to a new venue of the Ringwood Hall hotel in Chesterfield. The event became a full day and included the usual update plus presentations on workplace behaviour, fork lift truck detection systems, humerus examples of workplace signage (i.e. poor communication), health and safety management systems and a presentation by Craig Gilliver of Nationwide Fire bemoaning the lack of fire sprinkler systems (5 weeks before the Grenfell Tower disaster).
2018. Expansion to the fantastic venue of the Kelham Island Museum in Sheffield. The theme for the day was mainly orientated round transport risks, which had just overtaken working at height as the greatest source of fatal accidents (and which reversed the following year btw). Lisa Ramos, Cynthia Barlow both hit home with what were to be very passionate and heart wrenching stories. Health and safety Management in odd environments was covered by Simon Bell Head of training for Event management at Leeds University. We were also joined on the day by a whole array of exhibitors demonstrating their products and new technologies such as human image recognition systems, noise cancelling headphones, lone worker systems to name just a small selection.
2019. Was probably the biggest and the best yet. We relocated again to a new location of the Pumping Station at Ollerton Near Newark. A sublime building and setting. Presentations mainly based on mental health issues in the workplace and much more. This also included at the end an amazing story by Jason Anker which went against what we were expecting as he too focused strongly on mental health and resilience. The room was encircled with yet more exhibitors of new and existing technologies and products. Also the introduction for the first time of workshops.
2020? We have turned full circle and returned to Ringwood Hall Hotel in Chesterfield on May 12th. Again so far we have lined up a great range of speakers. We are also running a few extra workshops too at the request of last years’ attendees. The final programme is still being put together and consolidated at the moment but more announcements will be made here over the coming weeks.
We are looking forward to the event and hope that you are too. If you haven’t acted yet, there is a link here to the order product page. https://www.traintosafety.co.uk/product-page/health-safety-seminar-ringwood-hall-hotel-chesterfield-12th-may-2020