Back with a bang and a whisper! HSE Labs, Buxton 2023
The Kings Cross fire disaster of 1987 seemed to defy the nature of Physics, leaving all the fire experts puzzled. The HSE laboratory in Buxton re-created the blaze in a replica escalator and ticket hall, to the smallest detail, on the side of a Derbyshire hillside to try and understand what happened. (See pic above).
So much has been researched here over the years. Each research development has an intriguing and sometimes calamitous origins of their own. To discover a tiny fragment of what happens and what has happened here, why not come and join our Health and safety CPD event (representing this year's seminar) on 11th May at Harpur Hill near Buxton.
Contact 08432890579 for more information. (please note, space is at a premium this year)