Strength in unity for Health and Safety mangers.
Our winter season of scheduled evening meetings for local health and safety managers kicked off last week at the Tapton Innovation Centre in Chesterfield. A very high octane group of 11 key health and safety personnel came together, unpaid (apart from some Domino pizza we supplied) and just chilled, chatted and shared some fabulous ideas, techniques and experiences. Take a look at one of the comments sent to us, completely unprompted.
Thank you for hosting last night’s gathering, I always feel very much part of the group when I’m with you guys,
I was particularly pleased to catch the HSWA74 Birthday slides I had heard so much about from Dave at the seminar last year, such a great in depth look at the act and its origins. It’s hard to believe for all of us who have grown up with the comforts of the HSWA74 protecting us, that humans could be responsible for such atrocities, such as selling children in to slavery, to think that Britain ruled the world on the back of slaves and workhouses makes me hang my head in shame, but then I look at the work we now do to make changes, the fight we are all fighting daily and I think we have gone too far the other way, you can no longer ask some one to comply with the regulations without the minefield of hurting their feelings or miss gendering someone. It’s an uphill struggle.
I was deeply moved by some of the stories shared last night especially the one chap to my left who’s name escapes me at the moment, his openness about his mental health and not knowing that he was suffering hit home with me. To hear him speak about it and say how much changing his job has helped his mental stability improve, has given me hope that there is some light at the end of the tunnel for all of us!
Note: Genuine text submitted by a loyal fan of what we try and do at Train to Safety. We try and provide as much support as we can for people in what can be quite a lonely unloved and unsupported role. Strength in unity guys and gals! Come back for more on 21st Jan (Tuesday).
