The return of 'Real training'
So far in the month of January 2023 Train to Safety have taken orders or delivered 6 IOSH Managing Safely courses. Pre-Covid we were averaging 18 of these courses per year. That's quite an uptake. It is evident that the level of interest for this particular face to face training has massively increased. Our manual handling training has been on a similar trajectory despite the availability of ten a penny manual handling E-learning courses.
It has occurred to us that the message is starting to seep into the conscience of employers that E-learning just doesn't really cut the mustard. I should know, I updated my own CPD with a three day teams meeting learning course during one period in-between lock-downs.. It had some advantages; I was remote from any possible spread of infection, importantly reduced my carbon footprint with no risk of a RTA. All good points. And yet, the disadvantages were huge. It was dreary, two dimensional, non collaborative, no engagement or interest generated, non participatory (I wasn't given the chance to interact with my other remote colleagues, share a joke, look them in the eye, nothing). The final assessment / test to verify the effectiveness of the training was just a joke. The full effect of the training was poor or worse, although I did get a nice set of notes I had to print out at home!
Surely, this type of training is a danger to our workplace and can only lead to falling safety standards in the long run. If a company wants to just tick a box, then E-learning is what is needed. Train to Safety provide a full range of these E-Learning courses on our web site to cover the requirement. But if you want to add value to your staff and grow them with the business; If you want to receive something that adds full value to your company; then there really is little dispute. Face to face training is for real!
